Legal status
Emthonjeni Community Centre CSI
Section 21 Registration number: 1992/005868/08
Public Benefit Organization Registration number: 930014701
NPO 038-637-NPO
All South African donations to Emthonjeni are regarded as Corporate Social Investment in terms of the Codes of Good Practice of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act. As per our latest beneficiary profile, compiled in October 2013, 100 % of our beneficiaries are black. Emthonjeni has been verified as a level 4 contributor with a procurement recognition value of 100%.
Emthonjeni is registered with SARS as a Public Benefit Organisation and has a Section 18A tax certification, which allows companies who donate to receive a tax deduction on all South African donations.
Emthonjeni Social Enterprise
Registration Number: 2014/129139/07
Legal 100% Black Woman ownership.
Emthonjeni Social Enterprise has been verified as a level 1 contributor.
Entity is an empowering supplier in terms of the dti Codes of Good Practice.
Physical Address
Emthonjeni Community Centre
Plot 69, Zandspruit, Honeydew
Republic of South Africa
Tel: 011 268 4783 or 011 268 4779
E-mail: Louise Rivett